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Buy Folgers Gourmet Selections Black Silk Coffee K-Cups best deal. Deals available for you on Folgers Gourmet Selections Black Silk Coffee K-Cups at Best prices. Search for lowest prices.
Item Description
Black Silk Coffee now available for Keurig� Brewers! Wake up to a bold, yet exceptionally smooth blend with a subtle smoky note.
- 96 K CUPS
- Folgers Gourmet
User Opinions
Marie Smith
My husband and I love the Black Silk Folgers coffee so I'm pleasantly surprised when I can get a great deal on the K-cup version.
I am very satisfied with coffee. And yes I would recommend family and friends. I love the taste and the aroma. The price is reasonable.
Peter Sherman
Always check the price per pod. That way you know what size to buy. Be smart and save money! Thanks
Rating: 4.5 4 reviews
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