Thursday, May 9, 2013

Medium Roast Whole On Sale

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Best offer for illy Medium Roast Whole Bean Coffee 8.8 Ounces is trending. This best Medium Roast Whole is currently on sale, you may purchase it this moment for just $0.00 and usually delivered within a single day.

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Buy illy Medium Roast Whole Bean Coffee 8.8 Ounces best price. Deals is presented for you on Medium Roast Whole at Lowest prices. Find for best deals.

Item Information

Medium roast coffee beans

Strong Feat

  • Medium roast - 100% sustainably-grown Arabica coffee beans for a smooth, perfectly balanced taste
  • Carefully roasted and air cooled for the best flavor
  • Packaged in an air-pressurized tin, the coffee maintains its rich aroma and fresh flavor until the moment it's prepared
  • Made in Italy
  • 8-4/5 ounces of Medium Roast coffee beans allow for custom grinding

Customer Opinions

Possibly the best in its price range

As of today, Jan. 25, 2004 Amazon is offering this product from two different merchants at two different prices with two different names. Possibly the confusion comes from the fact the the name of the product is partially in Italian, and every merchant made up its own English name. Anyway, the following two are the same, just buy the cheapest1. Illy Roasted Espresso Coffee Beans -- Merchant: Goodman's2. illy Whole Bean Espresso, Normale -- Merchant: CaffeSoloHere is my review of the product itself.Among coffees in this price range, I haven't been able to find anything better.I am an italian who came to US 6 years ago (I think it is relevant to readers) and Illy is an italian brand. I claim my review does not have any shallow food-nationalism bias, but it might well be that I am influnced by my upbringing.This coffee is roasted much less than what americans are used to think as the "italian roast", Illy calls it "medium roast". It is roasted less than ANY Starbucks coffee I tried so far. The roasting type can be seen by comparing the colour of the powder. This particular Illy is lighter in color and it is bit reddish. It's color is close to the color of cocoa poweder (I mean cocoa powder processed with alkali).The roasting is key for me because I dislike any coffee which tastes of burnt -- Illy does not.It's flavor is marked enough to fully come through even when drank with milk in a 50% coffee 50% milk proportion. It actually still tastes of coffee in this proportions.Some people prefer Illy Dark Roast (the silver and black) to make espresso, but I prefer the flavor of Medium Roast even to make espresso.I prepare it with a stove-top espresso machine, such as Bialetti.This particular tin I am reviewing contains coffee beans, an identical tin (the lid is different) containing grounded coffee (same blend) also exists. The grounded one is grounded having in mind stove-top esperesso machine, which is a powder barely coarser than the one for true electric espresso machines (it can be used in them too) and much finer than grounds for dripping machines.As you probably know, coffee should be drank very soon after roasting. In general this is true. Illy is one of the leaders in vacuum paking, so the shelf-life of its coffee is very long. The metal can is not just for beauty: it does keep the air out better then bags. Still, you don't want to buy it from a merchant who had it on its shelf forever.All in all, there is better coffee around, but I can't find any better for this price either for delivery on the internet or from small roasters who roast their own coffee in the New Haven area.

Consistent and very high quality
Petur O. Jonsson

Illy espresso beans are my favorite of all the widely available commercially produced roasted espresso beans. This is the standard medium roast that Illy produces and it is a bit less aggressive and milder tasting than the dark roasts of Lavazza (the other major Italian brand that some people favor).When properly ground, tamped, and brewed Illy espresso has a delightful aroma and flavor, unmatched by any of the other brands.Granted, Illy is quite pricey, and I do not use it all the time for this reason. However, you get what you pay for. Usually, I buy my espresso from a small roasting house in the Midwest that produces a decent medium roast substitute that I do not mind using most of the time. But Illy definitely produces a higher quality bean.One way to judge the quality of roasted espresso beans even before you taste the coffee that they will produce is to look at the evenness of color and size of the beans. The reason is that beans of a uniform size tend to roast more evenly than beans of varying sizes. Moreover, even when the beans are of a uniform size, it is important that they be roasted in small batches and churned during the the entire roasting process to ensure that they all get roasted to the same point. This is why most high quality coffee is roasted in small batches in a rotating drum that roasts all the beans to the exact same point. Moreover, since the moisture content of the beans varies a bit from batch to batch, quality control in the roasting process is extremely important. And it is here that Illy is unmatched. Just do a simple visual comparison of the color and consisteny of Illy beans when compared to any of the other widely available brands and you can easily see why Illy is the best.

Terrific Arabica beans for full flavor Espresso/Cappucino
Andre 2015

Francesco Illy started the business in 1933 in Triest/ItalyHe wanted perfection. Arabica coffee beans of the highest order, treated with the utmost respect, delivering the finest taste.Today, with the third Illy generation leading the family business nothing has changed.Arabica beans have less than 1,5% caffeine. Since they grow mainly in the mountain climate they are sensitive and more difficult to grow/harvest but they are the only ones that can guarantee outstanding flavor and taste.That is what you get when you open the can. And once again after grinding them: a moment of aaah when you inhale the wonderful scent of the freshly ground coffee beans.Please forget about the price and don't compare this with any of the mixed blends. They give me headaches. 100% Arabica are the only beans I drink and love. You want flavor, get Illy. It's one of the best.Enjoy! (f.e. together with Neuhaus chocolate or Sapori Amaretti)

Rating: 4.6 14 reviews

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