Friday, July 26, 2013

Espressotiamo Lucaffe Sampler espresso pods

Get the best deal for Espressotiamo Lucaffe Sampler espresso pods is trending. This best Espressotiamo Sampler espresso is currently on sale, you could buy it now for just $0.00 and often ships within a single day.

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Get Espressotiamo Lucaffe Sampler espresso pods best price. Deals available for you on Espressotiamo Sampler espresso at Discounted prices. Get for best prices.

Product Description

Smaller version of the Lucaffe' Super sampler, this packet will give you 40 Lucaffe' pods all the type of pods Lucaffe' creates.YES! Even the Luxury Jamaican pod 3 pods of each blend-2 each of the Flavored pods 3 100% Arabica- 3 Classica- 3 Colombia- 3 Ospite- 3 Exquisit- 2 cremcaramel- 3 Decaf- 3 *Jamaica- 3 Messico- 3 Piccolo & Dolce- 2 Hazelnut- 3 Mamma Lucia- 3 *Blucaffe' [ * Premium pods] *Note any out of stock pods will be substituted with other Lucaffe' pods, e vivi la vita!
[Size:E.S.E. 45mm Size Pods]
[Size:E.S.E. 45mm Size Pods]

Factor Benefits

  • 40 ESE espresso pods total
  • Single serve pods clean with no grinding and no mess
  • Perfect for trying each brand or just plain changing the cup every day
  • Lucaffe's finest all in one bag
  • Does not work with Melitta, senseo, Bunn or any other single coffee brewer

Customer Opinions

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Tags: Espressotiamo Lucaffe espresso, Espressotiamo Sampler espresso, Lucaffe Sampler espresso

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