Friday, April 26, 2013

Lavazza Gran Filtro Dark Roast Ground Coffee, 8-Ounce Bags (Pack of 5)

Get the best deal for Lavazza Gran Filtro Dark Roast Ground Coffee, 8-Ounce Bags (Pack of 5) is now available. This best product is now on sale, you could purchase it this moment for just $0.00 and often delivered within a day.

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Get Lavazza Gran Filtro Dark Roast Ground Coffee, 8-Ounce Bags (Pack of 5) top product. Top deals is presented for you on Gran Filtro Dark at Lowest prices. Find for lowest prices.

Product Info

Lavazza gran filtro dark roast, ground, 8-ounce bags (pack of 5) is a 100% Arabica blend composed of full-bodied Brazilian coffees whose chocolaty flavor blends with the spicy aroma of Indian coffees. The dark roasting enhances the strength and body of these origins producing an intense, persistent aftertaste with a hint of caramel. Gran filtro dark roast is perfect for drip coffee makers, French presses, percolators and vacuum brewers. Large 2.2 lb vacuum sealed bags.


  • Pack of eight, 5-ounce bags
  • Recommended for drip coffee makers, French presses, percolators and vacuum brewers
  • Vacuum sealed bag
  • Imported from Italy

User Reviews

Full Bodied Coffee!

If you enjoy a very fiull bodied coffee without the "burntness" of espresso, try this. Shared it with my sister the coffee/ Bustelo fan and she really fell for the non- bitter, strong brew from my drip pot. Makes great ice coffee too. This coffee was a great break from the Starbucks and 8 o'Clock I had been drinking. Price is $2/ per package cheaper than my local market on Amazon

Best coffee I've ever tasted - really.
E. Parrish

I know everyone's tastes are different but honestly this coffee has the best flavor - for me - ever. After having one shipment and trying a few other brands I went back to this Lavazza Gran Filtro Dark Roast. I signed up for the automatic shipment with the 15% discount. So as a Prime member I get two and a half pounds of the best coffee I've ever tasted, shipped free, for fifteen dollars a month. Seriously.

Good coffee

We had this brand over in Italy. When we got back, we ordered this coffee from Amazon. We got hooked on the Oro espresso ground, but this kind makes a great cup of coffee and is less expensive.

Rating: 4.5 22 reviews

Key: Lavazza Gran Filtro, Gran Filtro Dark, Lavazza Gran Dark, Lavazza Filtro Dark

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