Monday, June 17, 2013

Paramount Coffee Jamaican Me Crazy, Ground, 40-Ounce (2.5 lb) Bag

Get the best deal for Paramount Coffee Jamaican Me Crazy, Ground, 40-Ounce (2.5 lb) Bag is now alive. This best Coffee Jamaican Me is now on sale, you could buy it right now for only $0.00 and often ships in a day.

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Purchase Paramount Coffee Jamaican Me Crazy, Ground, 40-Ounce (2.5 lb) Bag top item. Top deals available for you on Coffee Jamaican Me at Best prices. Find for best prices.

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Customer Opinions

Best Deployed gift ever!

I'm at a deployed location and this coffee is an awesome delight to have. The aroma is flavorful and strong, drawing everyone in and once they've had a cup their hooked.I've had the Wolf-Puck K-cups in the states and they are great, but i like this ground alot more.If you havent tried this coffee your missing out, don't wait any coworkers have already ordered more, we dont care how long it takes to get here as long as it does.

Paramount Jamacian Me Crazy ground coffee
Katy's cats and canines

One of the best flavored coffees I have ever tried, and coupled with the Cappuccino Caramel Steamer, it is out of this world! Also has a lower acidic level than other coffees and is gentle on the stomach. Does not cause the usual heartburn or upset stomach other coffees can. One word of caution however: It can become very addictive! It's sooooo GOOD you want cup after cup after cup after cup! It's a wonderful way to start each morning! With Jamacian Me Crazy in your cup you're deliriously happy and ready to start the day! Also great in the evening as an after dinner drink. No need for dessert with Jamacian Me Crazy!

It's okay....

The coffee itself is fine, but no Jamaican Me Crazy flavor whatsoever....not even in the smell. Pretty disappointing. Oh well. Will go back to Coffee Masters Flavored coffee next time.

Rating: 4.7 7 reviews

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