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Item Description
For use in the Keurig k-cup brewing system.
- 18 Single Serve Cups
User Opinions
William Jens Jensen
Apparently, because of the ribbed-cup design, the puncture device on the coffeemaker doesn't always pop a hole in the bottom of the cup, since the ribbed sides of the cup expand as the bottom is pushed up. Hence, water pumps into the cup but cannot go anywhere...except, as it happened just now, back into the reservoir. Yikes! This makes it seem as if the coffeemaker itself is working improperly or broken.If you have these cups, do not despair; simply pop a small hole into the bottom (compare to the hole in a previous cup that worked), place your "pre-hole" onto the pin, and proceed as usual for a delicious cup-o'-joe.I assume Gevalia will fix this problem in the future, but if you want to use the cups you have now without damaging your coffeemaker, I suggest following the above steps. It's worth doing, because the flavor of this coffee is so great...otherwise I'd give it one star. I will fix my review when Gevalia fixes their k-cups. I will also buy more of their coffee then. After all, we all make mistakes.
I bought these last week since my in-laws were visiting and I knew my mother-in-law was a big fan; however, her Keurig machine has recently stopped working so I figured this would be a nice little 'treat' for her visit. We made 3 or 4 cups on Saturday, then went to make a cup on Sunday morning...and for the first time in 2 years OUR Keurig machine didn't function properly. It was acting the same way my in-laws had been (unpredictable coffee sizes, grounds in coffee, coffee / water mess everywhere), I believe it may be something in the ridges of the K-cup that Gevalia uses that doesn't allow the Keurig needle to function properly, which eventually leads to a broken machine. We switched back to our regular coffee and we're back in business since I don't think enough damage was done with the 5 cups of Gevalia we brewed...Don't get me wrong, the coffee IS good, but if you MUST have this brand I would recommend buying the ground up stuff and a reusable Keurig coffee dispenser until Gevalia fixes the shape of their K-cup.
A. M. Granatelli
I have used these k-cups about 8 times so far with no problems. The coffee beans are EXCELLENT and, in my humble opinion, of very high quality.March 26, 2013 UpdateHave consumed at least 30 cups of coffee - still no problems and excellent taste. I recommend you use Poland Spring water (unless you live in NYC) and the coffee will be fantastic.
Rating: 2.9 10 reviews
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