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Buy 18 Lucaffe' Decaf Espresso Pods best price. Top deals available for you on 18 Decaf Espresso at Lowest prices. Get for lowest prices.
Product Info
A blend of decaffeinated Arabic coffee of sweetest and creamiest kind to give the satisfaction of drinking an excellent espresso, without the undesired effects of caffeine.
Factor Benefits
- Single serve 7 gram, 45mm diameter espresso pod.
- Individually wrapped, quick and easy, always fresh.
- Easy serving espresso (E.S.E.)
- No waste, aroma sealed in with no mess, always clean and hygienic.
- Will not work with Nespresso, Lavazza point, Philips Senseo, Black & Decker Home Cafe and Melitta pod machines.
User Reviews
I tried these after using and enjoying the Lavazza Gran Crema full-caffeine pods. I was pleasantly surprised to find that these decaf pods are not missing anything at all in terms of strength, flavor, or volume of espresso. In fact, these decaf pods taste as good as or better than any full-caffeine pods I have tried, including the Lavazza Gran Crema mentioned above and Lucaffe's own Blucaffe,100% Arabica (black bag) and Exquisit (red bag). These are excellent!
Smooth, consistent flavor with a reasonable amount of crema. I have never had any quality issues with these pods, either, which I have with some other brands....Almost a hint of a chocolate aroma before brewing...these are a top choice for an after dinner coffee...Yum...I think I 'll go make one now.
Rating: 4.5 2 reviews
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