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On sale now for Coffee People BLACK TIGER & TREE HUGGER Extra Bold Variety Pack 48 K-Cups for Keurig Brewers is now alive. This awesome product is currently available, you might purchase it now for just $0.00 and usually ships in a single day.
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Purchase Coffee People BLACK TIGER & TREE HUGGER Extra Bold Variety Pack 48 K-Cups for Keurig Brewers top product. Best deal is presented for you on People BLACK TIGER at Lowest prices. Search for best prices.
Product Information
Coffee People BLACK TIGER:
Explore the dark side with this full-bodied, dark-roasted Coffee People favorite. Earthy, with a pungent aroma. Extra bold.
Coffee People TREE HUGGER:
Wrap your taste buds around this chocolaty medium roast coffee with sweet berry notes. Certified Fair Trade and Organic. Extra bold.
Factor Benefits
- Includes 48 single-cup servings (K-Cups)
- Coffee People BLACK TIGER (24 K-Cups)
- Coffee People TREE HUGGER (24 K-Cups)
Deborah Kapp Beasley
This is one of my favorite coffees, and I buy it often. This seller got it to me very fast, which was much appreciated, as I was down to my last few k-cups!
Joe R
I really like this coffee. It has a really bold taste and is surprisinly strong. You can actually run it through twice for larger cups of coffee and it still tastes great!
Rating: 5 2 reviews
Tags: Coffee People BLACK, Coffee BLACK TIGER, People BLACK TIGER, Coffee People TIGER
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