Best deal for FLAVIA ALTERRA Coffee, Sumatra, 20-Count Fresh Packs (Pack of 5) is now available. This cool product is now available, you might purchase it this moment for just $0.00 and often delivered in a single day.
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Buy FLAVIA ALTERRA Coffee, Sumatra, 20-Count Fresh Packs (Pack of 5) deal. Best deal is presented for you on FLAVIA ALTERRA Coffee, at Lowest prices. Get for lowest prices.
Product Description
Sumatran coffees are very popular with coffee enthusiasts. The woodsy and herbaceous flavor profile is extremely unique, making this a coffee that stands out amongst its peers. Our 100% Sumatran beans are dark roasted to give a heavy bodied, complex cup with a bold finish.
Factor Benefits
- A delicious Sumatra Cappuccino (Add Cappuccino/Latte Swirl to make your cappuccino)
- A creamy caramel MilkyWay Swirl Latte (Add MilkyWay Swirl to make your latte)
- Premium DOVE Mocha (Add DOVE Hot Chocolate to make your mocha)
User Opinions
Aron Garcia
This is one of my favorite Flavia flavors. Strong taste and really gets you going in the mornings. Try it you won't be disappointed.
My office is currently trialing the Flavia machine and has been given a trial cabinet of 30 different coffee, teas, and hot chocolate that is available under their brand. Sumatra is by far the best coffee available if you enjoy a bold, strong brew without any bitter aftertaste (I find their Columbian brew has a slight bitter aftertaste to it that Sumatra doesn't have). I would recommend it for anyone who wants a bold coffee and is tired of getting packets or k-cups that brew only weak or moderate blends regardless of the type of coffee labeled.
L. B.
BETTER THAN EXPECTED TASTE - STRONG AND BOLD. I've tried about a dozen FLAVIA flavors. This one is one of the best for me. It's full of flavor and does wakes me up in the morning. I'll buy it again next time too.
Rating: 5 6 reviews
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