Sunday, July 21, 2013

18 Count - Millstone Variety Coffee K Cup for Keurig Brewers - Foglifter, Hazelnut Cream, Breakfast Blend

Get the best deal for 18 Count - Millstone Variety Coffee K Cup for Keurig Brewers - Foglifter, Hazelnut Cream, Breakfast Blend is trending. This best product is now available, you may buy it now for just $0.00 and usually delivered within 24 hours.

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Order 18 Count - Millstone Variety Coffee K Cup for Keurig Brewers - Foglifter, Hazelnut Cream, Breakfast Blend best deal. Best deal available for you on Count Millstone Variety at Discounted prices. Search for best deals.

Product Description

6x Foglifter Coffee K Cups:

offers the most complex coffee flavor experience with its delicate flavor notes orchestrated with a rich, full body.

6x Hazelnut Cream Coffee K Cups:

This coffee has a creamy, smooth taste and enticing aroma with rich, hazelnut cream flavor.

6x Breakfast Blend Fair Trade Coffee K-Cups:

This coffee is a subtle blend with delicate top notes and a bright floral, almost tea-like finish.

Factor Benefits

  • 18 Count - Millstone Variety Coffee K Cup for Keurig Brewers
  • 3 Varieties: Foglifer, Hazelnut Cream, Breakfast Blend
  • 6 K Cups Per Variety
  • each k cup is sealed, repackaged in box

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